Friday, March 6, 2009
Slacked (no excuses)
Well I do have a few reasons. The biggest is my gram. I've spent every week at the hospital since my gram was admitted January 6th. That's gotten better, but we are facing it all again with her upcoming surgery. Then add sick kids, sick me, new puppy.. I just stopped wanting to do much of anything and I'm sorry... This weather hasn't been very photo inspiring either.. I can't wait for the snow to go and the heat to turn on!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Day 17 and 18 (a bit upset)
Well we've had a minor set back and I'm kinda mad! I did take photo's for day 15 and 16 and they are no where to be found!! They aren't on my camera card or in my lightroom folder. Who knows what happened to them. I did have yesterdays still and of course todays. The photo from yesterday is my cat Buddy. yeah he looks upset, but he looks that way 99% of the time. We've had him since he was born and he will be 8 in April.

Now for my day 18 photo. My camera ham girl! I killed 2 birds with one stone with it. My 365 photo and a layout I needed to get done for Jennifer Barrette. She's got this great new collab out with Angie Kovacs called Day Dream Believer that can be found at Elemental Scraps.

And the Layout

Thanks for looking!

Now for my day 18 photo. My camera ham girl! I killed 2 birds with one stone with it. My 365 photo and a layout I needed to get done for Jennifer Barrette. She's got this great new collab out with Angie Kovacs called Day Dream Believer that can be found at Elemental Scraps.

And the Layout

Thanks for looking!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Days 12, 13, and 14 Behind in posting!
First let me just say, I have remained taking pictures everyday like I started out, I just have had way to much going on the past couple days to take time out to post them. Yesterday I spent designing 2 new digi scrap kits since I haven't been able to for a while.. It felt good to actually get something done.
This first photo here was my Day 12 shot. I wanted to give you all a good idea of how much snow we have to deal with. The house in the picture isn't my house, but my house looks exactly like that.
By the time everything is all said and done, those wooden fences you see on the right will be completely covered.

Then my day 13 is my super cute kiddo Cassidie. This is how she looks before she heads out the door to start her day. Her hat, her coat, of course boots that you can't see, and gloves. She loves to have her picture taken. Can't you tell? LOL

And Finally, just a random Day 14 photo. I like it because this key just rocks! I woulda killed for a key like this when I was kid.. Back then it was just plain Jane keys and now they spiff them up and make them cool! This is actually my daughter's key for emergencies.

And with that I have finished week 2!! Now I gotta make a layout! Woohoo!!
This first photo here was my Day 12 shot. I wanted to give you all a good idea of how much snow we have to deal with. The house in the picture isn't my house, but my house looks exactly like that.
By the time everything is all said and done, those wooden fences you see on the right will be completely covered.

Then my day 13 is my super cute kiddo Cassidie. This is how she looks before she heads out the door to start her day. Her hat, her coat, of course boots that you can't see, and gloves. She loves to have her picture taken. Can't you tell? LOL

And Finally, just a random Day 14 photo. I like it because this key just rocks! I woulda killed for a key like this when I was kid.. Back then it was just plain Jane keys and now they spiff them up and make them cool! This is actually my daughter's key for emergencies.

And with that I have finished week 2!! Now I gotta make a layout! Woohoo!!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Day 11: The eye don't lie!
Thinking about my gram and wondering when I'm gonna be able to see her pretty eyes again. The doctors assure us she's heading in the right direction to her recovery, but until I see her eyes, I won't really know. You can tell a lot by looking into someones eyes. You can tell if they are lying, if they are happy or sad, anything. People can try to hide their emotions all they want, but it's nearly impossible to do to someone who can read the eye. I'm good at that.. So here is my eye.. I know kinda icky lol. What do you think is going on with me?

Saturday, January 10, 2009
Day 10: My reasons
Well I oroginally had set out to get a photo of them together AWAKE, but went upstairs at just 8pm and found them both like this on my bed. The TV was on and my oldest had her book behind her lol. We had a big day today so it's no wonder that they are already out cold! These 2 girls are my reason for whatever I do that's good in life. Without them I don't know where I would be.
My sleeping beauties.

Friday, January 9, 2009
Day 9: One of my fave Foods
So today my mind drew a total blank as to what I wanted to photograph. This week's had a lot of stuff to have to deal with and my energy level is barely there. So when I was cooking dinner I decided I'd take a pic of my chicken I had cooked lol. Chicken is one of my faves. That and spagetti! So here's the chicken.. It sure was yummy!

Thursday, January 8, 2009
Day 8: One of my FAVE things
I was sitting here for hours trying to figure out what I was gonna photograph today then it finally hit me! It was sitting right in front of my nose and it smelled OH so good too!
I love candle's! I love the smell of them and love the soft glowing light they give off. I find them relaxing after a hard day. I light them and sit and watch the flame dance around itself and the shadow it casts on the wall dance too.
I like 2 brands the most. Only one is pictured below. Yankee Candles smell so nice and they can smell up your whole house in minutes. Then You have what is pictured below.. PartyLite candles. I love the tea lights because they are the most universal candle ever. They smell nice too, but aren't as over powering as Yankee candles can be.
This particular scented tea light is Honeydew Melon!
For this photo I used a a light room preset which I got off of Preset Heaven
They have tons of great free presets!
I love candle's! I love the smell of them and love the soft glowing light they give off. I find them relaxing after a hard day. I light them and sit and watch the flame dance around itself and the shadow it casts on the wall dance too.
I like 2 brands the most. Only one is pictured below. Yankee Candles smell so nice and they can smell up your whole house in minutes. Then You have what is pictured below.. PartyLite candles. I love the tea lights because they are the most universal candle ever. They smell nice too, but aren't as over powering as Yankee candles can be.

For this photo I used a a light room preset which I got off of Preset Heaven
They have tons of great free presets!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
The Layout, Simple as it may be!
So here is my very simple Week 1 for the 365 Layout. I used Jennifer Barrettes kit LiL Sweetheart that you can find at Elemental Scraps.
There's a list, in order, next to the pics of what they are or who, and my brief journaling at the bottom. Yay me for actually following through for the first week!

There's a list, in order, next to the pics of what they are or who, and my brief journaling at the bottom. Yay me for actually following through for the first week!

Day 7! My girls.
School was canceled today due to horrible weather like they (the girls) had hoped. I got to sleep in because Mark got up and took on my morning roles. After the day I had yesterday, sleeping in sorta helped lol.
So today's photo shows one of the many things I've taught them to do, well mainly Mercedes, but Cassidie is learning at her own pace. The art of making the fried egg! Mercedes has mastered it, but Cassidie can so far just crack the egg and put it on the griddle. She needs a few more inches to reach it without a stool which we currently don't have one I'm comfy with her standing on like she needs to. She can help cook other stuff though liked grilled cheese sandwiches. They both love to cook though and I'm glad that I am the one who teaches them to do so.

So today's photo shows one of the many things I've taught them to do, well mainly Mercedes, but Cassidie is learning at her own pace. The art of making the fried egg! Mercedes has mastered it, but Cassidie can so far just crack the egg and put it on the griddle. She needs a few more inches to reach it without a stool which we currently don't have one I'm comfy with her standing on like she needs to. She can help cook other stuff though liked grilled cheese sandwiches. They both love to cook though and I'm glad that I am the one who teaches them to do so.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Day 6 (OH what a day!)
Well my day started out ok for the first 45 minutes after waking up, but it all changed rather fast at 6:45am! The phone rang! It NEVER rings unless it's the school canceling due to bad weather and it was perfect out there so that wasn't it! Mark looked at caller ID and said it was the hospital.. Our immediate thought was maybe they were getting a head start on appointment reminders, but wait, there were none to be reminded of! He answered the phone and as I sat there watching him talk to someone on the other end, he got this look.. I knew it was about someone, but who? Then I thought omg it's about my mom or even my step dad, but it was not. My Grandmother was rushed in by ambulance to the ER for severe stomach pain. They found she had a blockage and rushed her to the operating room! So I freaked out and had to bust booty to get my girls up and ready and out the door in minutes. Brought them to the neighbors so they could still goto school and Mark and I were gone!
After we got to the hospital we found someone who could help us. She told us to go wait in the waiting room and someone would be out. 45 minutes later someone finally came out and explained what happened and all that. We were able to go back and see her. My poor Gram! She's hooked up to about everything you could think of. They assure me she should be fine, but if she had waited any longer than she did, she could of died! I was also informed that since she wants nothing to do with my dad or my uncle, 'm her next of kin which means I get to make the decisions. That's a lot of responsibility. She's gonna be ok, she has to be.. So....... Keep her in your thoughts please for a speedy recovery!
With this said, my day 6 photo is below. If it weren't for the stuff that was in this bottle today, I don't know what state of mind I woulda really been in... Sunkist to me is like a cigarette to others... Thanks Sunkist!

After we got to the hospital we found someone who could help us. She told us to go wait in the waiting room and someone would be out. 45 minutes later someone finally came out and explained what happened and all that. We were able to go back and see her. My poor Gram! She's hooked up to about everything you could think of. They assure me she should be fine, but if she had waited any longer than she did, she could of died! I was also informed that since she wants nothing to do with my dad or my uncle, 'm her next of kin which means I get to make the decisions. That's a lot of responsibility. She's gonna be ok, she has to be.. So....... Keep her in your thoughts please for a speedy recovery!
With this said, my day 6 photo is below. If it weren't for the stuff that was in this bottle today, I don't know what state of mind I woulda really been in... Sunkist to me is like a cigarette to others... Thanks Sunkist!

Monday, January 5, 2009
Another Day in Vermont (Day 5 of my 365)
So instead of going with my general theme, I'm changing it up a bit. Hey I'm allowed!
So last night I guess we got some heavy freezing rain. That's very common here and I hate it. It makes such a mess and things go wrong all the time. Usually people lose power because no one seems to know how to make wires that can withstand tough weather. Then of course ya got the car clean-up. That's what this shot is all about. Today I'm going to have to go out there a half hour or more before I take Cean to school, start the van and hope the ice melts off quickly or atleast enough that I can scrape it off easily. There is probably one sixteeth of an inch of ice on my windshield.. Lot's of fun!
Look at that! Yuck!
So last night I guess we got some heavy freezing rain. That's very common here and I hate it. It makes such a mess and things go wrong all the time. Usually people lose power because no one seems to know how to make wires that can withstand tough weather. Then of course ya got the car clean-up. That's what this shot is all about. Today I'm going to have to go out there a half hour or more before I take Cean to school, start the van and hope the ice melts off quickly or atleast enough that I can scrape it off easily. There is probably one sixteeth of an inch of ice on my windshield.. Lot's of fun!

Sunday, January 4, 2009
Day 4 of My 365
So here I am on Day 4 of the 365 challenge and I have another photo. This time it's my dog Boo. She will be 2 in February and we've had her since she was 8 weeks old. I drove about 45 minutes after a huge snow storm to get her after waiting 6 weeks for her! I wasn't waiting any longer. When we decided to get a chihuahua, there was an ad in the classifieds for 2 puppies. When we called, the lady said they were already taken, but she had 2 puppies available in another 6 weeks. We asked her if she could send us some pics to our email and she was glad to. The minute I saw her I HAD to have her. We took a trip to see her in person the next day and we gave the lady our holding deposit. This lady was nice enough to send us pics every once in a while so we could see the puppy growing up. The day I got to pick her up I was so excited.
She's a huge baby! Always has to be with someone or she's lost lol... Anyways her pic is below.

She's only 4 whole pounds and fits in your coat!
She's a huge baby! Always has to be with someone or she's lost lol... Anyways her pic is below.

She's only 4 whole pounds and fits in your coat!
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Day 3- 365
Well it's day 3 of the 365 challenge and I did it again! I guess I've decided what direction I'm going in with the photo's too! They will be based on the people, animals, and things around me. Things that mean a lot to me. The first 2 photo's were of my daughters. Obviously they mean the world to me. Now onto an animal. Baby Girl came to us a year ago. Someone had dumped her off at the local apple orchard where my youngest step-son worked at the time. She was ok there for the first month. She took care of the farm pests for them and slept under the tree's and in the tents when no one was there. When they opened up for the day, she would come out from her spot and hang around the people. Derek took to her like glue and brought her cat food we had for our cats here which she ate. Then it started to get colder and the orchard was going to be closing and that meant she would be on her own. He asked me if he could bring her home till he found her a new home and me being the softy I am said yes, but she better be gone within the month. He said ok.. He only had that much time anyway because he was to be going to college. Well that time passed and she was still here. Coming out of her shell to all of us, rubbing on us and loving us up. We decided she was a permanant member of the family and she remains with us today. It's been a bit over a year and she's a great fit!
Isn't she a pretty Baby Girl..

Friday, January 2, 2009
Day Two!
Well I'm doing good! I made it to day 2 without forgetting! I woke up this morning at 2 minutes before 8am yet again! I don't know why I do that so often.. Always 2 minutes before 8! So I get up and my hubby is already up as usual. We say our hey's and all that and I come here to the PC and do my usual stuff.. The kids finally get up, eat breakfast and we decide to take them to the sliding hill. Mercedes had a friend over so they were all excited. We were the only ones there for a whole hour! So for my day 2 photo, it's my oldest Daughter Mercedes.
I don't know why I like this as much as I do, but I do... This was like one of her many trips back up the hill and I just snapped the pic.
I plan on scrapping my photo's at the end of the week, but just wanna get them up for you to see for now!
I plan on scrapping my photo's at the end of the week, but just wanna get them up for you to see for now!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Happy New Year!
Well I'm gonna start this post by saying Happy New year! I spent last night with my husband and youngest daughter watching Dog the Bounty Hunter all night! Around 11:50 we switched to NBC and did the countdown and watched the ball drop.. My oldest stayed the night at a friends house so not having her here was a little sad. What ya gonna do? Ya can't stop em from growing up lol.
We had fun though.... My youngest got to have some sparkling cider and here is my first pic of 2009!!
We had fun though.... My youngest got to have some sparkling cider and here is my first pic of 2009!!
It's yummy stuff!!!
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